So what is the deeper meaning of “Sri” when referring to a woman living the good life?

It was my birthday over the weekend, and the time in the Cotswolds really gave me some time to reflect on how I used to perceive ageing when I was in my twenties- to what I am experiencing now. By looking to those who were 10-20 years older than me, I used to think that the older you get, the more downhill your experience becomes. It really made me believe (back then) that ageing comes with misery! I though that as woman, you start to become unhealthier, unfitter, and just have to live with the circumstances of what life throws at you.

Yet - I am reaching the end of my thirties and have never felt better or more of myself in my entire life.

Being so connected to my feminine power changed the trajectory of my life to be able to embody the meaning of SRI.

Living through spiritual worth and power, and the highest truths, I know NOW that you can create whatever you want in your life! It is truly a magical playground once you learn how to play the game of life in the 5D.

We create our own destiny. We get to decide what we are available for and what we want our life experience to be. We get to decide that for ourselves.

The biggest switch you will ever make mentally as a woman is to move from putting others first constantly, to finally choosing you.

I chose how I wanted to age, I chose how I wanted to commit spiritually daily and consistently, I chose the type of relationship experience I wanted, I chose how I wanted to look and feel. We are making choices every second of the day.

When your mind is constantly worried, or anxious, or thinking about yesterday’s conversation, you are choosing everything but yourself. There is no power to be found in that.

Every woman is an embodiment of Lakshmi from the eyes of the Creator.

When you choose yourself, you choose to enhance your self- worth, your confidence, and are willing to go beyond all the things that have been keeping you misaligned to your highest feminine power.

When you enhance your feminine power, you begin to become empowered within the 8 qualities of a wealthy woman. Courage, balance, harmony, happiness, generosity, wisdom, cleanliness, and beauty. It is through these qualities that prosperity and life magnetism naturally arises. In the western world we refer to this as stepping into the embodiment of abundance.

“Sri” is the richness of a woman that enlivens health, wealth, beauty, prosperity, longevity, happiness, well-being, opulence and splendour in ones life. The power of Sri not only enhances a woman’s life, but the life of her husband, and the lives of others around her.

From my perspective, it is the ultimate goal for a woman of today.

The best part is, the magnificence of Sri is something that every woman can have access to and live through - daily, even in modern western society.


Master your Mind, to Master your Body


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