Seasonal Runny Nose? More like an Emotional Purge…
There are many reasons why we manifest the flu, colds, and coughs including stress, lowered immunity, vitamin deficiencies, and the body just forcing itself to stop when you’re not listening to the signals to take rest.
However, do you know when you have those occurrences when unwell where you have an extremely runny nose, and you notice a lot of slimy mucus leaving the body?
Well, as someone who works with baseline emotions beneath physical symptoms, I can tell you that you should be happy when you have the type of cold filled with clear or white mucus! Not only is your immune system getting to work, but you are releasing the old.
From a metaphysical perspective, this is the body purging what’s no longer needed. I am talking about those emotions that you have held onto for so long. This purge is usually more prevalent during astrological transits. In other words, when the world is talking about BIG shifts and changes, notice how you body chooses to deal with those times.
When you notice this particular type of ‘mucus’ cold, also notice how you feel emotionally. These emotional feelings of sadness or old anger, are often heightened as they leave the body. Be patient with yourself, and do take that time to slow down, reflect, sleep more, and relax. Be kinder to your body and mind as these emotions can feel quite strong.
You may also feel more fragile and delicate during this time, so do lean onto comforting foods, hot drinks and herbs. Lavender oil is a great tool to lean on, the de-stress oil (available in the oil shop) is also great to keep on hand, as well as hot lemon and honey water, and herbal teas such as Lemon balm, as well as Rose, Mint, or Chamomile teas.
Allow each process, you are always supported.
Until next time.
Patricia, xx