The More you Heal, the Less you Stress
I decided a very long time ago that stress was no going to be a part of my way of living.
I refuse to hold stress in my body.
The last time I experienced high levels of stress was when I had some generational trauma being triggered, and I mean it came out of nowhere. My body just had a physiological response. That’s exactly how it creeps up, when you least expect it.
So now that that’s taken care of, the more I moved into accessing my self- actualised state, the more I came into connection with intuitive guidance, my spirit team, guides, gurus, who continually support me through daily synchronicities and messages.
Being able to live life in flow is a courageous act that even your cells have to get on board with.
It is a muscle that allows you to regain that trust.
I say regain, because as babies, we were perfect at flow, we didn’t have to force anything to happen and the natural stages of development occurred with the universal intelligence. It is only when we developed an ego, fears and external influence that our minds took over, and we could no longer relax.
Life really is a dream like flowing down the stream. It’s really that delicious.
Have you ever noticed that when you resist the flow, how much it hurts?
Things seem impossible, you experience countless difficulties, and pains in the body, and as soon as you work through the emotion behind it or do some breathwork to dissolve the mental patterns, everything calms down again.
Your only role in this lifetime is to invoke peace, happiness, and wellbeing, with the intention to come back to love, and expand and grow into your soul essence.
After you have healed all of the incorrect misperceptions that you carry, align with integrity, good thoughts, good actions, spiritual living and everything else will take care of itself.
This is not a trend, it is a way of life.