The Feminine is Exhausted and the Masculine is Struggling

Your inner childhood masculine and feminine woundings follow you through an entire lifetime until you consciously make a change.

Despite how complicated relationships may appear today, at the core our needs are basic.

The relationship you manifest in adult life will act as a mirror for your unresolved wounds, and as painful as this can be, just remember that “life will give you what you need before you get what you want.’’

How you were made to feel as a child, and what you didn’t receive as a child becomes the very thing that you seek as an adult.

So let’’s see how this may be playing out for you…

For men, the wounding would come from a lack of nurture from the feminine if he had a Mother who was more in her masculine, and from his Father, there would have been a lack of validation and acceptance that would be playing out today. This then becomes the core wounds of your partner, -who desperately wants to feel gently loved and accepted, and tries desperately to find this in any place he can. (Until he reads this blog of course!)

For many women, it is safety she is looking for. She wants to feel safe with the masculine, especially if she grew up in a household that made her feel anxious, constantly on edge, where she couldn’t relax. This becomes what she seeks to find in her adult partner.

So now you are trying to put the wounded masculine and the fearful feminine together, it becomes extremely challenging to find harmony in a relationship.

This is the very reason why when either partner releases this childhood pain and transforms their mindset, as a result their relationships naturally enhance (tenfold) - because it is all connected. All it takes is the clearing of the root to then bring harmony to other areas of your life.

So let’s not be too hard on one another, after all, we are in a time where the feminine is exhausted, and the masculine is struggling. She needs safety that the wounded man is not able to provide, and the gentleman wants the love, nurture and safety of the feminine which the wounded woman cannot provide. Both are, in fact having to wear a mask to feel they need to protect themselves from getting hurt, - this mask is in fact them hiding behind the fear of being themselves, anger as trapped emotions, and insecurity where their parents didn’t know how to make them feel accepted for being themselves.

Are you stuck in this?


The Body Remembers your Past Lives


You are the Only Person that Can Keep you Stuck