The Better the Version You Become, the Less you Need to do

“Life is a struggle”, “We’re not made of money”, “No pain, no gain”.

Just a handful of damaging (spiritually un-aligned) beliefs that are instilled from a young age. We have been programmed to live in fear and disempowerment.

It’s not until you enter into a journey of a spiritual path, that you realise that these things are far from spiritual truth, and the laws that govern the universe.

On the healing journey, you take the time to unlearn and re-programme the subconscious into love, and inner power.

Until then, most are stuck in the system of sticking to the confinements of society just in hope of some validation or approval. Whether it’s what age to get married, what age to have children, how many hours and how stressed you must be in order to maximise your earning capacity, who you should marry, when you should have a mortgage,- it’s leaving people feeling more and more disconnected and unfulfilled. Which is why divorce, cancer, and mental illnesses are increasingly on the rise.

When you finally break free from these limitations, and misperceptions, you finally realise that ancient spiritual laws, and God principles teach the absolute opposite.

There is a natural law which makes the entire world function daily; the rise of the sun, night and day, the fruits that grow on the trees, a woman’s ability to nurture a child in the womb, - this all works perfectly fine without the need for interference, stress, and control.

In the same way, the same law, operates through you, around you and in your life. Your only role is to maximise your human potential to find your unique dharma, align with the natural laws, and open yourself up to the highest freqency of love, without being plagued by fear.

It is by dropping this controlled way of living in resistance, that you will notice an ease that comes about in your life. The more you open up your awareness, the more access you will have to this ease of abundance in your life. I promise.

Love, x


Angels are Always Trying to Get Your Attention


A Healing Tool That Shouldn’t be Missed From Your Wellbeing Routine