“Self- Actualisation is the ultimate life-fulfilled experience. This is when you have truly stepped into being the best version of yourself. It supersedes any life achievement, and excels you into Dharma and purpose.” - Patricia Natalia

Your Transformation Journey

Your 7 Phases to Self- Actualisation

  • Self- Mastery

    Do you get stuck in procrastination when tyrying to move towards your goals? Do you struggle to accept the way you look and find yourself attracting toxic, unaligned people? Do you seek to attract admiration and like-minded people? Activate your will-power muscle at the solar plexus chakra through; the discipline of spiritual nutrition, full chakra alignment, nervous system stabilisation, mastery of the breath, mastery of the mind, mastery of envisioning and movement through Yoga, Himalayan Breathwork, and Kriya for accelerated growth and healing. In self - mastery you learn to stress less and achieve more.

  • Mental Mastery

    Are you easily destabilised by external circumstances? Do you often find yourself in cycles of self-destruction? Are you often lost in your thoughts? Does your mind instantly go to worry and overwhelm rather than focusing on solutions? Do you feel disconnected from inner wisdom? Struggle with low self - confidence, not knowing who you truly are -without the title and status? Change your life; with powerful mantras tailored to your energy field, correction of nutrient deficiencies, learning the art of true self - care, empowering your self- talk, and mindset training to strengthen the core muscle of “no matter what”. With mental mastery you cultivate self- love and learn to become your own healer without the need for external permission or validation.

  • Coming Home

    Feel empowered to pursue fulfillment in a way that you get to define it, and not how society or your family have defined it for you. Be the master of your life and succeed on your own terms so that you can liberate yourself from limiting social constraints and expectations. Do you have an unhealthy connection to your feelings and emotions? Do you rely on others for validation of your worth? Are you entangled in old guilts, grief, sadness, or addiction? Do you attract the same situations over and over? Are you a victim in your life? Do you suffer from imposter syndrome where you feel everyone else is better than you? Are you plagued with self doubt? Break the cycles of comparison and sabotage, identify root core blocks, feel yourself coming home, embrace the power of forgiveness, release pain from the organs and cellular memory, take back your power and beauty through liver rejuvenation. In coming home, you overcome outdated blocks and re-invent life the way you truly want it; mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

  • Understanding your Limitless Power

    Do you have innate fears of neglect and rejection? Do you desire to step into leadership?Do you want to feel confident in your intuition and judgements? Do you want to have a stronger trust in your gut instincts? Do you want to function from a higher level and learn how to energetically move things in your favour? Do you wish to bring your highest potential and capacity into the world? Do you wish to re-ignite your excitement for the future? Do you want to achieve through greater flow? You know what your family wanted for you, now what is it that you want? Alignment to your highest vision. Vedic energy corrections through planetary energies, cultivate fearless freedon, break all limitations, and step into your unstoppable power in this transformative module. Resist less and attract more.

  • Co-creating with the Spiritual Realm

    Do you want to channel your energy into your higher purpose? Do you want to feel safe in being your authentic self? Do you wish to manifest a soulmate compatible relationship that warms your heart and feels grounded? Do you wish to connect to a deeper sense of support? Do you wish to feel safe in a loving relationship? Do you wish to understand self- love to be able to experience life more fully? Do you want to focus on creating a life that matters to you the most? Living in spiritual power whilst maximising wealth channels, cultivating intuitive living, connecting to a deeper love within, as well as the angellic realm, your personal guide, collapse timelines to quantum leap in your life, live through spiritual Dhamra, cultivate being a master conscious creator and access Siddhi potential. Make greater quantum leaps in shorter time.

  • Bringing your Greatest Gifts into the World, Conscious Entrepreneurship

    Do you want to feel safe in allowing others to see you for who you really are? Do you want to be the best at what you do and bypass mediocracy? Do you want to tap into your creativity to bring more meaning into your life? Do you want to tap into your niche and expertise? Do you want to build a life of purpose whilst improving the lives of others? Do you wish to live through purpose to inspire and uplift the lives of others? Do you want the secrets to building your conscious business? Do you want to have the tenacity of a conscious entrepreneur? Do you want to understand ancient principles for modern wealth? Do you want to work with God as your CEO? And work with spirit daily to guide you in your business? Do you want to access the way of the superhuman? Learn to magnetise your greatest purpose whilst dissolving limiting beliefs.

  • Spiritual Leadership through Purpose

    Do you wish to connect to the Kundalini Shakti within to be able to access higher states of consciousness and functioning in the world? Do you wish to maximise your potential as a spiritual conscious leader? Feel confident in trusting your intuition for decision making. Expand your consciousness and your business to be of greater service in the world and attain self- actualisation, your greatest most fulfilled, actualised, Dharmic state. Close generational patterns and set yourself and your family up for generational wealth whilst accessing your highest potential and being who you were put on this Earth to be.

  • The most powerful journey you can experience is this one here. This is the only programme you will ever need. Welcome Home. Register your Interest below

“The essence of your higher self wants nothing more, or less, than for you to be who you were created to be.”

— Patricia Natalia